(EDITOR’S NOTE: Links to detailed reports for Gainesville and Hall County schools are at the end of this story.)
The 2024 College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) scores show strong improvements across the elementary-, middle-, and high-school grade levels, with the highest scores in Closing Gaps for elementary schools, Readiness for middle schools, and Graduation Rate for high schools.
“This year’s College and Career Ready Performance Index scores paint a clear picture of academic improvement across grade levels in Georgia’s public schools,” State Schools Supt. Richard Woods (pictured) said. “While we have seen scores increase on state and national assessments, the CCRPI also encompasses other indicators – from schools’ success at improving the performance of all students to the opportunities offered beyond core subject areas. These scores show advancements across the curriculum, and where there are areas for improvement, the data allow us to make a focused effort toward growth.”
Click here to see how schools in the Gainesville system fared:
And here for information on the schools in the Hall County system: